ShaderEffect low texture precision
I use QQuickFramebufferObject with GL_RGB32F Internal texture format. Each fragment of the result texture represents it's position in 3d space. Then I postprocess it with
ShaderEffect, the texture, I get in the shader is a GL_RGB8 representation of the one, the FBO storages. It gives me poor color gradation and bad aliasing effect. How can I access the source 32bit texture?CTile { //GL_RGB32F anchors.fill: parent layer.enabled: true layer.smooth: true layer.effect: ShaderEffect { fragmentShader: " uniform highp sampler2D source; // this item varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; uniform int mode; highp out vec4 color; void main() { highp vec4 srccolor = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0); //GL_RGB8 //... }" } }
It also cuts negative values.
Here is one of the effects:
I guess, I've found the reason of the problem, it's incorrect internal format in shadereffectsource.cpp:
enum Format { Alpha = GL_ALPHA, RGB = GL_RGB, RGBA = GL_RGBA };
There should be
enum Format { Alpha = GL_R32F, RGB = GL_RGB32F, RGBA = GL_RGBA32F };
I tried to fix it though qml this way:
ShaderEffectSource { anchors.fill: parent sourceItem: item format: 0x8814 // GL_RGBA32F recursive: false hideSource: true }
But I get this error: Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration
Why there is a buffer in the middle, wouldn't it be faster to use source fbo directly?
Can I fix it without recompiling Qt ?
Is there a way to bind texture from the source fbo right before ShaderEffectItem::renderEffect, so I would be able to use source texture instead of it's bad analog? -
Hi, Dmitry.
I believe ShaderEffectSource/layer.enabled will rerender a source item, despite it has a source texture.
In your case, you can just pass the original texture to the ShaderEffect.CTile { id: sourceItem visible: false } ShaderEffect { anchors.fill: sourceItem property Item source: sourceItem fragmentShader: "..." }
Support of RGBA32F in ShaderEffectSource can be useful if the result of shader processing should remain in high precision format. The issue with the request for this feature was created.