How to change background qt quick controls 2 combobox ?
Hello all.
I need help to change background color delegate of combobox.
I tried change "Material.background" , but not change delegate background color(ComboBox { Material.background: "white" textRole: "key" model: ListModel { ListElement { key: "First"; value: 123 } ListElement { key: "Second"; value: 456 } ListElement { key: "Third"; value: 789 } } }
You should customize the combo box control.
refer this Customizing Combobox -
@TheGringerEye said in How to change background qt quick controls 2 combobox ?:
@Mammamia I tried this, but were lost Material Design Effects such as Waves, ElevatorEffect and other.
I believe it shouldn't happen if you if replace only the delegate and not background etc.
ComboBox { id: control delegate: MenuItem { width: control.popup.width text: control.textRole ? (Array.isArray(control.model) ? modelData[control.textRole] : model[control.textRole]) : modelData Material.foreground: control.currentIndex === index ? control.popup.Material.accent : control.popup.Material.foreground highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index hoverEnabled: control.hoverEnabled } }
Here the delegate is copied from my Qt installation Qt/5.8/[compilerversion]/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Material/ComboBox.qml. Try adding Material.background to the delegate.
@TheGringerEye here's my custom combo box
perhaps gives you some ideas.
ComboBoxWithIcon.qml:// this custom ComboBox works using a JS datamodel where the model is something like this: // [{"imageName":"download.png", "itemText":qsTr("Download")}, ...] // using same model as a QML ListModel you must change the delegate: model.imageName // and contentItem: listModel.get(comboBox.currentIndex).imageName ComboBox { id: comboBox focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus property bool containsInvalidItems: false delegate: ItemDelegate { width: comboBox.width Material.foreground: comboBox.currentIndex === index ? comboBox.Material.accent : comboBox.Material.foreground highlighted: comboBox.highlightedIndex === index contentItem: Row { spacing: 6 IconInactive { imageName: modelData.imageName } LabelSubheading { text: modelData.itemText anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter font.strikeout: comboBox.containsInvalidItems && modelData.invalidItem } } } contentItem: Row { // need some space to see the indicator // need some extra space for the rows to display Icon and text if displayText is used rightPadding: comboBox.displayText.length? 24+16 : 16 spacing: 6 IconInactive { visible: !comboBox.displayText.length imageName: comboBox.model[comboBox.currentIndex].imageName } LabelSubheading { text: comboBox.displayText.length? comboBox.displayText : comboBox.model[comboBox.currentIndex].itemText anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter font.strikeout: comboBox.displayText.length? false : comboBox.containsInvalidItems && comboBox.model[comboBox.currentIndex].invalidItem } } // row }
and here's how I'm using this ComboBox:
ComboBoxWithIcon { id: selectToursDropDown Layout.leftMargin: 6 Layout.rightMargin: 6 displayText: qsTr("Tour selection") model: [ {"imageName":"schedule_my.png", "itemText":qsTr("Show my")}, {"imageName":"schedule.png", "itemText":qsTr("Show all")}, {"imageName":"directions.png", "itemText":qsTr("Transfer")}, {"imageName":"download.png", "itemText":qsTr("Download")} ] onCurrentIndexChanged: { // do something } }
LabelSubheading and IconInactive itself are also customized controls.
Take a look at my sample apps at github -
@TheGringerEye If the given examples don't work, you have to give more information. How the comboboxes are coded, created and used? Can you replicate the problem with a minimal app, created with the Qt Creator's wizard, where the combobox and the using code is in main.qml?
Hi! Have a look at ComboBox.qml to see how the default implementation works. Should be easy to modify it to fit your needs.
@TheGringerEye So you want to change both the contentItem's and delegate's background to white? Can you paste the minimal app here?