Dynamically add QQuickView-based windows from c++ code and embed QObject
This is a question related to this one: https://forum.qt.io/topic/77907/right-way-to-dynamically-create-qml-windows
I tried to implement a prototype of multi-window system using dynamically created QQuickView-derived windows and I'm facing a problem with embedding c++ objects into qml.Adding new window (for this test is called when button clicked in simple QMainWindow):
MyWindow *window = new MyWindow(&engine); window->setSource(...); window->rootContext()->setContextProperty("window", window); window->show();
QML code:
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 Button { id: button property int i: 0 anchors.fill: parent text: "press me!" onClicked: window.increment() }
And this increment function to test code:
void MyWindow::increment() { qDebug() << this << ++this->i; }
My problem is, every time I create new window and call setContextProperty, property 'window' overwrites to the last window and in every window button click calls increment function from the last added window. How can I pass separate QObject to each instance of QQuickView using setContextProperty?
I found some kind of workaround that helps me with it, but I'm not sure if it is very smooth solution. Here is a new code for window creation:
QQmlEngine *engine = new QQmlEngine; MyWindow *window = new MyWindow (engine); window->setSource(...); window->rootContext()->setContextProperty("window", window); window->show();
With this each window is associated with the correspondng QObject. But is it a good solution - to create separate QQmlEngine for each window?