How to update the selected row in QTableview using a button
I am using a QSqlTableModel for a SQLite database.
The SQLite database contains a:- Table: "ThePer"
- Columns: ID, Name, Work.
Also, I have a Tableview to display the database's content, and a button to update the content of the selected row.
When I click the button to update the 'Work' column of the selected row, thats work only the first time. And doesn't work when I want to update an other selected row.This is my short code:
QModelIndex TheIndex = ui->tableView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); TheModel->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange); TheModel->setData(TheModel->index(TheIndex.row(),2), true, Qt::EditRole); TheModel->select(); // TheModel->submitAll(); TheDB.close();
You r working with current index. How r u changing current index ? That may b the issue.
what I know is that the current index changes when I select an other row.
I can upload my code in "", but I don't know if it's allowed here. -
If ur selecting next row it should work. U can upload the code there. Will check it.
I'm sorry for my late reply. But, I replaced this with a new strategy.
Thank you any way.