How to use QJSEngine to access a child of a QObject in js script?
General and Desktop
From the official qt doc, it says:
Signals and slots, properties and children of object are available as properties of the created QJSValue.
So I expect to access the children of a QObject, but I do not find the right way to do it.
I have code as below:
QWidget parent; QLabel label(&parent); label.setText("Hello World"); QJSEngine engine; QJSValue jsv = engine.newQObject(&parent); engine.globalObject().setProperty("w", jsv); qDebug() << engine.evaluate("JSON.stringify(w);").toString(); // qDebug() << engine.evaluate("w.myLabel.text").toString(); // Does not work, how to access myLabel.text in script
The debug output is as below, and I cannot find the child label information (eg. the text "Hello World") in this output. So, my question is how to access the QLabel (objectName: "myLabel") in js script?
{ "objectName": "", "modal": false, "windowModality": 0, "enabled": true, "geometry": {}, "frameGeometry": {}, "normalGeometry": {}, "x": 0, "y": 0, "pos": {}, "frameSize": {}, "size": {}, "width": 640, "height": 480, "rect": {}, "childrenRect": {}, "childrenRegion": {}, "sizePolicy": {}, "minimumSize": {}, "maximumSize": {}, "minimumWidth": 0, "minimumHeight": 0, "maximumWidth": 16777215, "maximumHeight": 16777215, "sizeIncrement": {}, "baseSize": {}, "palette": {}, "font": {}, "cursor": {}, "mouseTracking": false, "isActiveWindow": false, "focusPolicy": 0, "focus": false, "contextMenuPolicy": 1, "updatesEnabled": true, "visible": false, "minimized": false, "maximized": false, "fullScreen": false, "sizeHint": {}, "minimumSizeHint": {}, "acceptDrops": false, "windowTitle": "", "windowIcon": {}, "windowIconText": "", "windowOpacity": 1, "windowModified": false, "toolTip": "", "toolTipDuration": -1, "statusTip": "", "whatsThis": "", "accessibleName": "", "accessibleDescription": "", "layoutDirection": 0, "autoFillBackground": false, "styleSheet": "", "locale": {}, "windowFilePath": "", "inputMethodHints": 0 }