QSqlQuery and umlaut
Hi all,
just a question feature or bug.
I have a program with the routineqquery.exec(query); ui->tableWidget->setItem(ui->tableWidget->rowCount() - 1, 2, new QTableWidgetItem(abfrage->value("start_nr").toString()))
compiling this with qt5.6.2 all umlaute shown correct, compiling with 5.8.x all umlaut and the ß are not displayed correctly. Do I have to set any value in 5.8?
Dietmar -
Hi Erni42,
can you tell the platform and the db you are using?
Oh, yes sorry.
Platform is Window 10, Server remote Mysql 5.6.33
Maybe it´s an encoding issue. Can you debug out the query result as QByteArray?
qDebug() << abfrage->value("start_nr").toByteArray();
The character is splitted into 4 characters
compiled with 5.6.x i got
"Neth\xC3\xB6""fel" -
Qt 5.9 alpha delivers also the correct result including the umlaut like ö
The most anoying point is 5.6 is Wirkung 5.9 too. Just 5.8 returns wrong encoding vor something
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