How To Make Comments in Qt's Intellisense?
A feature of netbeans and visual studio is the ability to make your own comments for your subroutines/classes. An example syntax for this is shown below
netbeans (Java)
- This function does something
- @param a the value of the input.
public void setInput(int a) { };
Visual Studio (C#)
This function does something
/param a the value of the input
public void setInput(int a) { };@So if either of these two IDEs were used approximately like I showed above (syntax?) the developer would see the comment "the value of the input" when a is bold in the intellisense (current parameter being typed). The other form of this occurs when the mouse is hovered over a subroutine's name. In that case "This function does something" is displayed underneath the function's signature in the tooltip.
Does QtCreator support anything like this? I noticed the Doyxgen tags are recognized but they don't seem to do anything. If QtCreator doesn't I think this should be added to a wish list.
Thank you for your time.
Creator doesn't automagically generate the documentation for you. The qdoc tags are recognized as you saw (doxygen is a qdoc clone) and you can use qdoc to generate help for creator. Check the "bug tracker": for similar issues. If none exist, throw in a feature request :).
I'm not exactly looking to generate documentation in the manner QDoc does. I just like the ability to write small comments (like in javadocs) and have them show up in the "intellisense". Now even though i mentioned javadocs, i'm not using the HTML portion of those (when i did java). I just used the intellisense portion.
Thanks anyway. Here's hoping some day it will make it into QTCreator.
Whishes uttered on this forum will probably get lost. If you want to submit a feature request, use "Jira": instead.