How to increase QTableWidgetItem SIZE
I have these check boxes in my QTableWidget for selection but the check-boxes are small and not accessible properly with touch.
I add the check-boxes the following wayQTableWidgetItem *pItem = new QTableWidgetItem();
pItem->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);Is there any way i can increase the check-box size.
thanks in advance :) -
There is no direct way to do this as qtablewidgetitems are not widget. Either you create your own checkbox and set the style sheet and use setcellwidget. Or you write your own table view and write ur own delegate with checkbox
Yes you can play with stylesheet to increase checkBox Size
you can do something like this for example:
yourTableWidget->setStyleSheet("QAbstractItemView::indicator { width: 40px;height:40px;/*size of checkbox change here */} QTableWidget::item{width: 200px;height: 100px;} "/*size of item */);
The result will be then, something like this ;
instead of
This can help you to solve your problem , but i really doubt that it is the best solution,