Qt creator and other components new releases management
Hi to all,
There is a question that I have not yet considered in depth related to the new versions of some components respect others. I appreciate very much that it is possible to install different versions of the Qt sdk without the risk they interfere together. I am actually working on my Mac with the experimental Qt SDK 4.7.3 supporting Harmattan Meego 1.2 developing for N9 while I have in a different folder the Qt sdk last official release developing symbian and desktop applications. In the same way on a linux machine i am working with sdk 4.7.3 and the 4.8 tehcnical preview.
What should be do to install a new component only i.e. Qt-Creator new release leaving the remaining parts intact? Is possible to install recent and old version of Qt-Creatot using the same sdk version?I tink that probably I don't know how separate components - Creator, Mobility and libraries, other sdk components etc. - can be installed and replaced independently on the same computer in reversible mode... Or the best method is to create a non-production area for testing the different components ?
Many thanks for any suggestion.
Creator can be "downloaded separately":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#qt-creator
Thank you Franzk,
it's obvious. My question is how I can use for example Qt-Creator 2.2 with the already installed sdk that uses a previous version of Qt-Creator. And if I experience some kind of problem can I reverse the operation?
Qt Creator supports multiple installed versions of Qt. I have almost all version from 4.5 to 4.7.3 installed in parrallel (if I have to test my apps against an old version) and it works perfectly. Every version of Qt needs it's own qmake, the path to which you have to add in Qt Creator. However, try to use different build folders when building for the different version, just as a precaution.