Trouble with passing a value from lineedit to a Graph
Hi All,
I am new to Qt and started exploring some of its features. I am stuck in a problem. In the form.ui I have a lineedit, a push button and a widget (promoted to QCustomPlot). My requirement is when a value is entered in lineedit and after push button is pressed, it should create a line on the graph. My code is -
void Form:n_refForceValueButton_clicked() { float ref_force_value = ui->lineEdit->text().toFloat(); // to read the value entered in line edit in form.ui // to take the value of lineedit and pass on to y co-ordinate of graph to have a straight line QCPItemLine *lineX = new QCPItemLine(ui->customPlotX); lineX->start->setCoords(0,ref_force_value); lineX->end->setCoords(1000000,ref_force_value); lineX->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); QCPItemLine *lineY = new QCPItemLine(ui->customPlotY); lineY->start->setCoords(0,ref_force_value); lineY->end->setCoords(1000000,ref_force_value); lineY->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); QCPItemLine *lineZ = new QCPItemLine(ui->customPlotZ); lineZ->start->setCoords(0,ref_force_value); lineZ->end->setCoords(1000000,ref_force_value); lineZ->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); QCPItemLine *line = new QCPItemLine(ui->customPlot); line->start->setCoords(0,ref_force_value); line->end->setCoords(1000000,ref_force_value); line->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); if (ref_force_value>0) { QString msg = "Reference Force Value is set to " + QString::number(ref_force_value) + "mN."; // to combine string and float QMessageBox::information(this, "Reference Force Value", msg); // to pop-up window displaying message when button is clicked } }
As you can see from the code I have 4 widgets (all promoted to QCustomPlot). When I enter the value in lineedit and click the button it works well with pop-up window and it displays the message but it doesn't pass the value entered in lineedit on to the graph. Can anyone please guide me on my code. I am using Qt5.8 on Windows 10 with MinGW compiler.
Thank you for your time and knowledge.
Hi and welcome
Just as a note: QCustomPlot is not part of Qt :)I have used it however and its unclear if you have all the other needed code in place
If you see here is
// create graph and assign data to it:
customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x, y)which is critical and so on :)
Hi mrjj,
Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have all the essentials of QCustomPlot.
I figured out the solution. I didn't set the linestyle and scatterstyle therefore I was not able to see the plot as it was by default in white color. Once those parameters are set I can see the plot now and it works as expected.