How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?
This is my header:
class RepairDevices: public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: RepairDevices(); private slots: void refresh_devices_search_tbl(); private: void setupDevices(); void setupRepairs(); Ui::RepairDevices ui; QSqlRelationalTableModel *repairsmodel;
This is my Source file:
RepairDevices::RepairDevices() { repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); } void refresh_devices_search_tbl(){ Ui::RepairDevices *ui; QString sn = ui->sn_search_txt->toPlainText(); repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76"); }
But It's ending with Error application ended unexpectedly.
Obviously, I 'm doing something very won here.
Which is the correct way to do it?
So I 'll be able to make repairsmodel->setFilter work in my function? -
void refresh_devices_search_tbl(){
Ui::RepairDevices *ui; <<<< what is this ? looks nasty, Did you even allocate it ? Looks bad and wrong to me :)
}why is refresh_devices_search_tbl not member of RepairDevices ?
If it was then repairsmodel is available to it.
The 'Ui::RepairDevices *ui' I put it for someone to norice it and tell me if it's correct.
I made the function a private member, so now I have access to ui and repairsmodel.
But when the execution goes to repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76") (this is in the function), the application breaks down.
"The program has unexpectedly finished."I tried in debugging, when code execution goes to repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76"), I get this error:
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 14:42 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 14:44
im not sure what you are doing but just make
refresh_devices_search_tbl a function in
RepairDevicesand you dont need anything else.
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); // make it
}void RepairDevices::refresh_devices_search_tbl(){
Ui::RepairDevices *ui; // DONT DO THIS. its evil :)repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76"); // use it
This error appeared after I did exactly what you 're suggesting.
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 14:48 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 14:49
if u still have Ui::RepairDevices *ui
then no wonder :)Ui::RepairDevices *ui;
QString sn = ui->sn_search_txt->toPlainText(); ///// BIG FAT CRASH HERE -
I don't have it, I 've deleted it.
then debug it. find where you crash.This also looks a bit odd to me
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
}its that the constructor ?
What about the stuff for QMainWindow ? -
I told you.I posted the image of the error above.
Isn't it visible? -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 14:51 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 14:52
Yes but it jsut says. Programs crashed.
So find your error using the debugger :)If i should guess
i think
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
}is never called and you crash at this line
repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76"); // use it
since repairsmodel is just a dangling pointer. -
mrjj forgive my ignorance, I'm a total newbee.
I suppose this is the error:
...repairdevices.cpp:115: error: Exception at 0x4029fb, code: 0xc0000005: read access violation at: 0x0, flags=0x0 (first chance) -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 14:54 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 14:57
Ok fair enough.The errors says that something in the program was fiddling around with some memeory it should not.
so try this and tell me if crash goes away
RepairDevices::RepairDevices() { ////// OUT repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); } void refresh_devices_search_tbl(){ // make it here jsut to test repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString sn = ui->sn_search_txt->toPlainText(); repairsmodel->setFilter("id>76"); qDebug() << "in refresh_devices_search_tbl"; }
also please use
like in sample. it helps alot to see what is called. -
@mrjj said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
}is never called and you crash at this line
I think you 're right, somehow refresh_devices_search_tbl() is called before repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);!!!
I don't understand how is this possible... -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 15:03 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 15:07
@Panoss said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
}This looks like the constructor but most likely you are using the one you get from
QMainWindow that takes a parent.
and hence yours is never how you create the RepairDevices instance ?
( i mean where you do like )
RepairDevices *mine= new RepairDevices ( ? ) -
In main.cpp, this has this code:
#include "repairdevices.h" #include <QtWidgets> int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(books); QApplication app(argc, argv); RepairDevices win;; return app.exec(); }
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 15:12 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 15:20
@Panoss said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
Hmm i would have expected it to call
your constructor but it seems not. Mainwindow must have one that qualify.Well it seems to use the one u get from your
base class and hence yours is never that is why.
Using a debugger this would be really clear :)
a normal mainwindow constructor looks like this
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { }
@mrjj said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
@Panoss said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
Hmm i would have expected it to call
your constructor but it seems not.
I thought 'RepairDevices win' calls the constructor.@mrjj said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
@Panoss said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
Using a debugger this would be really clear :)
I did use the debugger but it was not clear at all to me :).It still isn't, what must I do?
I ''l do mainwindow constructor as you suggested and post the result.I did the test you suggested me above, I had to change a dot to -> (ui->sn_search_txt to ui.sn_search_txt)
repairsmodel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); QString sn = ui.sn_search_txt->toPlainText(); repairsmodel ->setFilter("id>76"); qDebug() << "in refresh_devices_search_tbl";
and got no error.
The etext is not printed, so the refresh_devices_search_tbl is not called now. -
@Panoss said in How to access QSqlRelationalModel from function?:
who calls it ?
Is it a slot for a button or how should it be called? -
It 'a a slot for two combo boxes and two textboxes.
It 's called on textChanged and currentIndexChanged.
(omg text and index of combos I think do get changed during form's load, e.g when they are mapped to the data mapper.) -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Panoss on 12 Feb 2017, 15:31 last edited by mrjj 2 Dec 2017, 15:34
well just check the
connects and its should be clear why its not called.
(connect return true / false)At some point you will also need to learn to use the debugger and set break points.
Its THE BEST tool to find out what is happening and where program goes. :)