Get content of cell from QTableView
Well... that all makes (and maybe also you) me tired. My chef will help me with this...
If finally works I'll informe you!
Did you not just try those two? Having spent this much time I am keen to know now...! -
Well... I tried, but I won't to answer it's correct or not as the code with previous versions become messy.
I saw that you're solved a little problem here:
That is so long ago I barely remember! Except that I didn't feel I got much from the PyQt author/mailing list :(In the last post there a guy says:
though Oracle treats empty strings as NULL
You seem to be using PLSQL. So another thing to try, if no joy from my previous two suggestions, might be
val = ""
for theNone
case if that really is true. -
Yes, but now I try by my chef's suggestions with a little returing for a starting point.
I'll answer if finally goes... or returning to your version if doesn't go -
After a long fight my chef find the working answer:
for col in range(model.columnCount()): rowData = [model.index(row, col).data() for col in range(model.columnCount()) ] letersBind = [':a',':bb',':bc',':bd',':be',':bf',':bg',':bh',':bi',':bj',':bk',':bl',':bm',':bn',':bo',':bp',':cba',':cbb',':cbc',':cbd', ':cbe',':cbf',':cbg',':cbh',':cbi',':cbj',':cbk',':cbl',':cbn',':cbo',':cbp',':cca',':ccb',':ccc'] if rowData[col] is None: query.addBindValue('') print(col,' 1') else: query.bindValue(letersBind[col],rowData[col]) query.exec_() print (query.lastError().text()) while self.model4.insertRow(row)
I' don't from what come the letters, which exchange the ? singns in () for Values
@Karoluss96 said in Get content of cell from QTableView:
After a long fight my chef find the working answer:
if rowData[col] is None: query.addBindValue('')
@JonB said in Get content of cell from QTableView:
You seem to be using PLSQL. So another thing to try, if no joy from my previous two suggestions, might be
val = ""
for theNone
case if that really is true. -
Thanks for all helping!