Read file using Utils.readFile when file is in different location from main qml
I am trying to read contents of file using Utils.readFile(fileName). The file is stored in a folder different from the location where I call the qml file from. So I tried this:
var storageData = Utils.readFile(Qt.resolvedUrl("four/u-boot-env.bin"))
if (!storageData)
throw new Error("Could not read from file '")
I get the following error:
C:/work/sam-ba_3.1.4/qml/SAMBA/Applet.qml:604: Error: Could not read from file '
How can i pass to Utils.readFile, a file name stored in a different folder from where the main qml is called from.
Thanks so much for the help. -
What is this Utils.readFile function ? What argument it takes ? Does it take the URL as argument ? What is the return value of that function ?
You could also check out V-Play's fileUtils context property.
bool success = fileUtils.writeFile("myFile.txt", "file content"); var text = fileUtils.readFile(Qt.resolvedUrl("myFile.txt"))
Read more on this thread.
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