Do you know if someone has already done this important class to read gzip file ?
I already tried QUnzipFile from Quazip.. But it doesn't work as expected.. device.pos() return random value.And by the way, all language has this feature... Except Qt !
See: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/zip/GZIPInputStream.html -
Yes, by definition Qt is not a language. By language I mean standard library of the language. Qt has its own standard. For exemple we use QString and not std::string.
So, if I rephrase : Standard library of Python and Java provides gzip wrapper, but not Qt.So, I finally get something : QZip https://github.com/vic20/QZip
Seems it's the same code than KArchive that you suggest. Thanks ! -
Yes, by definition Qt is not a language. By language I mean standard library of the language. Qt has its own standard. For exemple we use QString and not std::string.
So, if I rephrase : Standard library of Python and Java provides gzip wrapper, but not Qt.So, I finally get something : QZip https://github.com/vic20/QZip
Seems it's the same code than KArchive that you suggest. Thanks !