NTP Client library
General and Desktop
I have bring up this synchronized function that can be used inside a thread.
// https://github.com/edma2/ntp/blob/master/rfc.txt bool GetNTPDateTime(QDateTime &DateTime, QString Server, int Socket) { bool Result= false; QHostInfo HostInfo= QHostInfo::fromName(Server); if (HostInfo.addresses().length()> 0) { QUdpSocket *UdpSocket= new QUdpSocket(); { UdpSocket->connectToHost(QHostAddress(HostInfo.addresses().at(0)), Socket); char Message[48]= {010, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (UdpSocket->writeDatagram(Message, sizeof(Message), QHostAddress(HostInfo.addresses().at(0)), Socket)== sizeof(Message)) { if (UdpSocket->waitForReadyRead()) { while (UdpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QByteArray QBABufferIn= UdpSocket->readAll(); if (QBABufferIn.size()== 48) { int count= 40; unsigned long DateTimeIn= uchar(QBABufferIn.at(count))+ (uchar(QBABufferIn.at(count+ 1)) << 8)+ (uchar(QBABufferIn.at(count+ 2)) << 16)+ (uchar(QBABufferIn.at(count+ 3)) << 24); long tmit= ntohl((time_t)DateTimeIn); tmit-= 2208988800U; DateTime= QDateTime::fromTime_t(tmit); Result= true; } } } } }{ delete UdpSocket; } } return Result; }
What about it? I hope to do not have problem with it at the customers.