Qt.WebSocket 1.0 on Android
I'm creating a app the comunicate with websocket using QML Controls 2. When i make the aplication to DESKTOP (Ming Compiler) the aplication works perfect but when I change to Android them aplication compiles OK, but when open the page that use websockt show error QtWebSocket doesn found. !
On QT Design when change to Android the import import Qt.WebSockets 1.0 stays with a red line.
When compile to android show this warnings:
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtQuick.Controls.Material.impl
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtQuick.Extras.Private.CppUtils
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtQuick.Extras.Private.CppUtils
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtQuick.Controls.Universal.impl
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtQuick.Controls.implWhen the aplication is runnig:
W Gallery : (null):0 ((null)): Can't find surface 1
W Gallery : (null):0 ((null)): QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
W Gallery : (null):0 ((null)): qrc:/pages/Monitoramento.qml:2 module "Qt.WebSockets" plugin "declarative_qmlwebsockets" not foundVersion: QT 5.7.1 Android Windows com Ming32
Anyone knows how to use the websocket in android?
Yes, as mentioned in the documentation, at the very top of the WebSocket QML Type page (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtwebsockets-websocket.html), the import statement must be as follow :
import QtWebSockets 1.0
import QtWebSockets 1.1
for Qt 5.8 and higher.
You should change the post's status to resolve ;-)