Page component tutorial
I'm trying to do page component but don't know how.
Can somebody give me a link to this component's tutorial or example code.
I already tried tutorial on but got the error like unknown type.Tq.
which page component ?? if you are talking about Qt Quick Components Page.. here are the links
Yeah but why I'm get an error on Page {} that said unknown type
did you import Symbian components in to your qml file
@ import 1.0@
then you should do it.. this qml module imports all Qt Quick Components for Symbian in to your current qml file.
Sample code located at $QTDIR\Examples\4.7\qt-components\gallery
import QtQuick 1.0
import 1.0
import Qt.labs.components 1.0
TabGroup {
height: 100
width: parent.width - parent.spacing
Button { id: tab1content; text: "tab1" }
Text {
id: tab2content
text: "tab2"
horizontalAlignment: "AlignHCenter"
verticalAlignment: "AlignVCenter"
color: platformStyle.colorNormalLight
Page {
id: tab3content
CheckBox { anchors.fill: parent; text: "tab3" }
@ -
[quote author="changsheng230" date="1310373996"]Sample code located at $QTDIR\Examples\4.7\qt-components\gallery
import QtQuick 1.0
import 1.0
import Qt.labs.components 1.0
@[/quote]what is this import Qt.labs.components 1.0
what does it have. -
Directory of C:\QtSDK_1_1\QtCreator\bin\Qt\labs\components
10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> .
10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> ..
10.07.2011 17:03 3,328 Checkable.qml
10.07.2011 17:03 6,403 CheckableGroup.js
10.07.2011 17:03 2,447 CheckableGroup.qml
10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> native
10.07.2011 17:03 2,842 plugins.qmltypes
10.07.2011 17:03 96 qmldir
10.07.2011 17:03 25,600 qtcomponentsplugin_1_0.dll
10.07.2011 17:03 62,464 qtcomponentsplugin_1_0d.dll
[quote author="Vijay Bhaska Reddy" date="1310374823"] [quote author="changsheng230" date="1310373996"]Sample code located at $QTDIR\Examples\4.7\qt-components\gallery @ import QtQuick 1.0 import 1.0 import Qt.labs.components 1.0 @[/quote] what is this import Qt.labs.components 1.0 what does it have. [/quote] -
AppManager.js Page.qml TabButton.qml
ApplicationWindow.qml PageStack.js TabGroup.js
BusyIndicator.qml PageStack.qml TabGroup.qml
Button.qml Popup.qml TextArea.qml
ButtonColumn.qml ProgressBar.qml TextContextMenu.qml
ButtonGroup.js QueryDialog.qml TextField.qml
ButtonRow.qml RadioButton.qml TextMagnifier.qml
CheckBox.qml RectUtils.js TextSelectionHandle.qml
CommonDialog.qml ScrollBar.qml TextTouchController.qml
ContextMenu.qml ScrollDecorator.qml ToolBar.qml
Dialog.qml SectionScroller.js ToolBarLayout.qml
Fader.qml SectionScroller.qml ToolButton.qml
ListHeading.qml SelectionDialog.qml ToolTip.qml
ListItem.qml SelectionListItem.qml Window.qml
ListItemText.qml Slider.qml plugins.qmltypes
Menu.qml StatusBar.qml qmldir
MenuContent.qml Switch.qml symbianplugin_1_0.dll
MenuItem.qml TabBar.qml symbianplugin_1_0d.dll
MenuLayout.qml TabBarLayout.qml
[quote author="changsheng230" date="1310375469"] Directory of C:\QtSDK_1_1\QtCreator\bin\Qt\labs\components 10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> . 10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> .. 10.07.2011 17:03 3,328 Checkable.qml 10.07.2011 17:03 6,403 CheckableGroup.js 10.07.2011 17:03 2,447 CheckableGroup.qml 10.07.2011 17:03 <DIR> native 10.07.2011 17:03 2,842 plugins.qmltypes 10.07.2011 17:03 96 qmldir 10.07.2011 17:03 25,600 qtcomponentsplugin_1_0.dll 10.07.2011 17:03 62,464 qtcomponentsplugin_1_0d.dll [quote author="Vijay Bhaska Reddy" date="1310374823"] [quote author="changsheng230" date="1310373996"]Sample code located at $QTDIR\Examples\4.7\qt-components\gallery @ import QtQuick 1.0 import 1.0 import Qt.labs.components 1.0 @[/quote] what is this import Qt.labs.components 1.0 what does it have. [/quote] [/quote] -
tq for the info
I already tried import.Qt.labs.components 1.0, but it says that the package is not found.
How do I solve this -
I don't think you need Qt.labs.components, everything should work with
yeah I also include and get the same error
did you updated your Qt SDK with experimental Symbian Qt Quick Components??