How to access the cover image of mp3 file from its metadata in QML?
MediaPlayer{ id: player; playlist: Playlist { id: playlist PlaylistItem { source: "file:///C:/Users/xyz/Desktop/trial/4.mp3"} } } } Image{ x: 305 y: 196 width: 68 height: 49 source: player.metaData.coverArtUrlLarge }
Unable to assign [undefined] to QUrl
this is the error i get on assigning player.metaData.coverArtUrlLarge to source. -
are you sure that the mp3 file even has a cover art in it's meta data? -
@raven-worx yes it has a cover art in its meta data.
based on the propsals above you could use id3lib to do the following:- implement a QQuickImageProvider, since images can only be set by URL in QML
- register this image provider with a name like "Mp3CoverArt":
engine->addImageProvider(QLatin1String("Mp3CoverArt"), new MyMp3CoverArtImageProvider);
- in QML you can request the image with
source: "image://Mp3CoverArt/<custom-id-of-mp3-file>"
. You could also specify the path to the mp3 file as an 'id', but make sure the URL stays valid. (e.g. you could encode the path as base64) - in the image provider you will receive the url you set (convert it back from base64)
- use id3lib to retrieve the image: Important for you will be the Find(), GetRawBinary(), using the frame id ID3FID_PICTURE (i guess this is the right one?)
- create your QPixmap/QImage from the binary data using QImageReader for example
haven't tried it, but it should work i think :)
Or once you fetch the coverart using the 3rd party library you can just convert the image to
and directly set it toImage
's source. For eg.imageObj->setProperty("source", "
@Nisha_R I think it will be a URL for online coverart. For eg. a spotify URL think they should have also provided CoverArtImage for QML mediaplayer.