Problem to convert datetime to time_t
Hi, I've a problem and I don't understand if it is a bug.
I would like to convert QDateTime in time_t, but the result is always 4294967295 equivalent to 07 feb 2006 07:28.
If I work with date/time lower than 07 feb 2006 07:28 the conversion result is good.
I think that is a bug.I use Qt Creator 4.1.0 Based on Qt 5.7.0 (GCC 4.9.1 20140922 (Red Hat 4.9.1-10), 64 bit) under Debian Jessie.
The code line that should convert date time in time_t is:
qDebug() << QDateTime(ui->editDTStart->dateTime()).toTime_t();
What do you think?
@Stefanoxjx Worked fine for me... I used this code to test with qt 5.7 on linux:
#include <QDateTime> #include <QDebug> int main(int ac, char **av) { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); qDebug() << "date time is: " << dt.toTime_t(); QDateTime dt2 = QDateTime::fromTime_t(dt.toTime_t()); qDebug() << "dt2: " << dt2; return 0; }
Output was as expected with the current local time and the converted time_t was correct with current local as well.
My guess is you are getting a bad value from your UI control. No bug that I can find in Qt's QDateTime.
Hello @ambershark and thanks for your help.
I don't understand what appened, but the same code that did not work well, now it works fine.Stefano
@Stefanoxjx Oh that's good it is working now... You may just have had a dirty build and after a rebuild things were "fixed". :)