QTextDocument to PDF with watermarks and header/footer -> filesize too large?
General and Desktop
Hi all
I try to create a PDF from a QTextDocument that contains long QTextTable (resulting in a PDF with 100+ pages).
When I just print the QTextDocument with
QTextDocument::print(QPagedPaintDevice *printer)
a PDF with for example 134 pages has about 1MB, which I think is not too bad.But when I try to put a footer and a watermark to each page, it results in a PDF that has about 30MB.
Code used to generate the pages:void MyProject::paintPage(QPrinter &printer, int pageNumber, int pageCount, QPainter* painter, QTextDocument* doc, const QRectF& textRect, qreal footerHeight) { //qDebug() << "Printing page" << pageNumber; const QSizeF pageSize = printer.paperRect().size(); //qDebug() << "pageSize=" << pageSize; QFont foo; foo.setPointSize(50); const double bm = mmToPixels(printer, 10); const QRectF borderRect(bm, bm, pageSize.width() - 2 * bm, pageSize.height() - 2 * bm); // painter->drawRect(borderRect); float wa = -qRadiansToDegrees(atan2(borderRect.height(),borderRect.width())); paintWatermark(*painter," - - D R A F T - - ",borderRect.width()/2,borderRect.height()/2,wa,foo); painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing,true); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing,false); qDebug() << painter->renderHints(); // textPageRect is the rectangle in the coordinate system of the QTextDocument, in pixels, // and starting at (0,0) for the first page. Second page is at y=doc->pageSize().height(). const QRectF textPageRect(0, pageNumber * doc->pageSize().height(), doc->pageSize().width(), doc->pageSize().height()); // Clip the drawing so that the text of the other pages doesn't appear in the margins painter->setClipRect(textRect); // Translate so that 0,0 is now the page corner painter->translate(0, -textPageRect.top()); // Translate so that 0,0 is the text rect corner painter->translate(textRect.left(), textRect.top()); doc->drawContents(painter); painter->restore(); // Footer: page number or "end" QRectF footerRect = textRect; footerRect.setTop(textRect.bottom()); footerRect.setHeight(footerHeight); painter->drawLine(footerRect.left(),footerRect.top(),footerRect.right(),footerRect.top()); painter->drawText(footerRect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight, QObject::tr("Page %1/%2").arg(pageNumber+1).arg(pageCount)); } void MyProject::printDocument(QPrinter &printer, QTextDocument* doc, QWidget* parentWidget) { QPainter painter( &printer ); QSizeF pageSize = printer.pageRect().size(); // page size in pixels // Calculate the rectangle where to lay out the text double tm = mmToPixels(printer, 12); qreal footerHeight = painter.fontMetrics().height(); QRectF textRect(tm, tm, pageSize.width() - 2 * tm, pageSize.height() - 2 * tm - footerHeight); //qDebug() << "textRect=" << textRect; doc->setPageSize(textRect.size()); const int pageCount = doc->pageCount(); QProgressDialog dialog( QObject::tr( "Printing" ), QObject::tr( "Cancel" ), 0, pageCount, parentWidget ); dialog.setWindowModality( Qt::ApplicationModal ); bool firstPage = true; for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pageCount; ++pageIndex) { dialog.setValue( pageIndex); dialog.setLabelText(tr("Page %1 / %2").arg(pageIndex).arg(pageCount)); if (dialog.wasCanceled()) break; if (!firstPage) printer.newPage(); paintPage( printer, pageIndex, pageCount, &painter, doc, textRect, footerHeight ); firstPage = false; } } void MyProject::paintWatermark(QPainter &p, QString wm, int x, int y, float a, QFont font) { p.save(); p.setFont(font); font.setWeight(QFont::Bold); p.translate(x,y); p.rotate(a); p.setPen(Qt::lightGray); p.setOpacity(0.3); p.drawText(-p.fontMetrics().width(wm)/2,p.fontMetrics().height()/2,wm); // p.resetTransform(); // p.setOpacity(1); p.restore(); } /* the printer is defined as QPrinter p; p.setOutputFileName("/tmp/test.pdf"); p.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat); p.setPageSize(QPrinter::A4); p.setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait); p.setResolution(96); printDocument(p,&doc,this); */
What am I doing wrong here?