QSqlError Parameter count mismatch (I've read previous posts )
@michalos said in QSqlError Parameter count mismatch (I've read previous posts ):
but I don't seem to find any mistake in my statement
ehm... you are missing
afterWHERE id
and there is a typo inquery.bindValue(":gn_private", gn_private);
, it should bequery.bindValue(":private", gn_private);
Anyhow, I'm not sure the syntax you are using is valid SQL
Thank You for Your answer.
I've left only
query.prepare("UPDATE group_names SET (id = :id, name= :name, favorite= :favorite, private= :private, owner= :owner, department = :department)"); //WHERE (SELECT name, favorite, private, owner, department) FROM group_names WHERE id = :id) "); query.bindValue(":id", id); query.bindValue(":name", name); query.bindValue(":favorite", favorite); query.bindValue(":private", gn_private); query.bindValue(":owner", owner); query.bindValue(":department", department);
But I still get
"UPDATE group_names SET (id = ?, name= ?, favorite= ?, private= ?, owner= ?, department = ?)"
QSqlError("", "Parameter count mismatch", "") -
Ok. I've made it work, but i think that there is an isue when it comes to name binding..
I've tried:
query.prepare("UPDATE contacts SET name = :name, extno = :extno, private = :private, favorite = :favorite, owner = :owner, type = :type, info = :info, im = :im, defaultphoneid = :defaultphoneid WHERE contactid = :contactid"); query.bindValue(":name", ct->getCont_name() ); query.bindValue( ":extno", ct->getCont_extno()); query.bindValue( ":private", ct->getCont_private()); query.bindValue( ":favorite", ct->getCont_favorite()); query.bindValue( ":owner", ct->getCont_owner()); query.bindValue( ":type", ct->getCont_type() ); query.bindValue( ":info", ct->getCont_info()); query.bindValue( ":im", ct->getCont_im()); query.bindValue( ":defaultphoneid", ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId()); query.bindValue( ":contactid", ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId());
and it's not working.
but binding by position worked with values, and by caling get function:query.prepare("UPDATE contacts SET name = ?, extno = ?, private = ?, favorite = ?, owner = ?, type = ?, info = ?, im = ?, defaultphoneid = ? WHERE contactid = ?"); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_name()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_extno()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_private()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_favorite()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_owner()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_type()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_info()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_im()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId()); query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_id());
I would like to know why, though..
I don't know how this stuff works, but I think you are too quick to call Qt bugged :)
I cannot reproduce it.
Binding works fine here in Qt5.7 mingw.So if you can reproduce in a small sample. then please post it.
Test code.
bool createConnection() { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(":memory:"); if (!db.open()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, qApp->tr("Cannot open database"), "Click Cancel to exit.", QMessageBox::Cancel); return false; } QSqlQuery query; qDebug() << "table:" << query.exec("create table person (id int primary key, " "firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20), num int )"); query.exec("insert into person values(101, 'Dennis', 'Young','1')"); query.exec("insert into person values(102, 'Christine', 'Holand','2')"); query.exec("insert into person values(103, 'Lars junior', 'Gordon','4')"); query.exec("insert into person values(104, 'Roberto', 'Robitaille','5')"); query.exec("insert into person values(105, 'Maria', 'Papadopoulos','3')"); return true; } // test createConnection(); QSqlQuery query; int ok = query.prepare("SELECT firstname,num FROM person WHERE num=:thenum AND firstname=:thename AND lastname=:lastname"); query.bindValue(":thenum", 4); query.bindValue(":thename", "Lars junior"); query.bindValue(":lastname", "Gordon"); query.exec(); ok = query.prepare("update person set lastname=:lastname WHERE firstname=:thename"); query.bindValue(":thenum", 4); query.bindValue(":thename", "Lars junior"); query.bindValue(":lastname", "CHANGED"); qDebug() << ">UPDATE:" << query.exec() << "-" << query.lastError().databaseText() ; ok = query.prepare("SELECT * from person "); query.exec(); while (query.next()) { QString name = query.value(2).toString(); // col 1 = name qDebug() << "lastname:" << name; }
@michalos said in QSqlError Parameter count mismatch (I've read previous posts ):
I would like to know why, though
Could someone mark the topic as SOLVED? I don't know why, but I don't have such option in the Topic Tools
No worries :)
Sometimes is indeed a Qt bug :)
You must first select Ask as Question. ( on first post)
Then it can be Marked as Solved. ( Yes we are aware this is very confusing :) -
Thanks :)