Implement QQuickMapboxGL plugin step by step
I'm trying to use the QQuickMapboxGL in a QML project but I don't know how to add this plugin.
I clone the github repository MapBox on Github, but I don't know at all what I have to do now. Has anyone could explain that step by step?
Thank you very much. -
Hi! What's your host and target platform? The readme for Mapbox Qt SDK can be found here.
My target platform is Android or Ubuntu Desktop (if it's possible, both of them).
And with Host, what do you mean?
Thank you very much! -
By "host" I mean the environment your Qt Creator runs in; so I guess that's desktop Linux.
Yes, thanks! -
Hi, i'm in the very same situation, the target platform is Android and the hosts are both windows and linux (Arch). I can't understand how to use the QQuickMapboxGL in my qml project. if someone can point me in the right direction i'll be immensely grateful... Thank you!!