QML Loader: signal when Item is completed
QML and Qt Quick
I am changing one page in a SwipeView depending on buttons pressed on a different page of that SwipeView
SwipeView { Item { id: firstPage MyButton { onClicked: secondPage.setSource("PageA.qml") } MyButton { onClicked: secondPage.setSource("PageB.qml") } } Loader { id: secondPage } }
I need to access the objects on the secondPage from the C++ side. Therefore, I connect to the loaded signal
QQuickItem *p_loaderPage = object->findChild<QQuickItem *>("loaderPage"); Q_CHECK_PTR(p_loaderPage); connect(p_loaderPage, SIGNAL(loaded()), this, SLOT(findViews()));
When I first load a page (say pageA) everything seems to be working fine. But if I load a new page on top of that (either pageB or pageA a second time), I still get the data from the old page in
. It seems that the signal is triggered too early. I'd appreciate any help.