Linked png in QtHelp file
I tried one more time to build a 5.5.1 Qt where Assistant (for custom help) uses WebKit. I added "-D BROWSER_QTWEBKIT" as a configure argument. But I encountered numerous compile and link problems and never got a new Assistant built.
So, I've decided to spend no more time on this. The topic is "Solved" in the sense that it is assumed that TextBrowser will never properly handle anchored png files. In our applications help files, all anchored png have been replaced with img.html files that are thin HTML wrappers around an embedded image.
Thanks again. mrjj, for your help.
Building webkit is often a pain. Multiple dependencies. But you gave it a good shot :)
I agree that the wrapper you made
seems the best way forward as having to compile own version
of Assistant is not optimal.
Thank you for reporting back on this matter. It will come up again :)