Problems with out of source build of Qt 4.7.3 on Windows platform
I'm having quite some troubles with an out of source build of Qt 4.7.3 on the windows platform.
My basic command is:
@mkdir qt-build
cd qt-build
..\qt\configure -nomake examples -nomake demos -debug-and-release -opensource -static -no-qt3support -platform win32-
msvc2003 -plugin-sql-oci -I D:\MyDev\ljs_app\trunk\oci\win\include -L D:\MyDev\ljs_app\trunk\oci\win\lib
Using the above configuration after seeing "Creating qmake..." i get the error message "execute: File or path is not found (D:\Qt\2011.473-vc\qt-build\bin\qmake)"
If I add the -fast configuration option the configuration completes but when invoking nmake i get "NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\Qt\2011.473-vc\qt-build\bin\qmake' : return code '0x1'".
There is a qmake.exe in the qmake directory but none in the bin where the makefile is looking for. -
If I now copy qmake\qmake.exe to bin\qmake.exe nmake start building.
Additionally it does not seem possible to build the install target (nmake install) that I use when building Qt on the OSX and Linux platforms.
I would hope that someone might be able to help me with the above problems or point me to the right documentation that I missed finding until now.
Thank you in advance!
Try installing Perl and rerun seems similar to this "thread":
[quote author="ucomesdag" date="1309871769"]Building from QtSources requires Perl to be installed download and install "ActivePerl": it generally hangs when building qmake when Perl is missing.[/quote][quote author="ucomesdag" date="1309872293"]If you don't want to install Perl, then download and use the source zip from "here":
Building Qt out of source on Windows boils down to
- Install Perl, ie. "ActivePerl":
- Set up the build environment (usually done by the appropriate command line shortcut)
- Create a build directory at the same directory level as the source directory
- Prepend PATH with <build directoy>\bin
- Configure (..<source directory>\configure.exe ... -platform <platform>
- Make (mingw32-make or nmake)
If you have to copy any files from one directory to another to get it working you usually got one of the steps above wrong. make install does not work on Windows.
[quote author="ludde" date="1309947011"]Just to understand exactly what you're doing, where is the Qt source distribution?
In D:\Qt\2011.473-vc\qt? And it's a source distribution that has just been unpacked, nothing else?
[/quote]This question pointed me to the right direction. I did not use a clean source distribution but rather an existing binary one.
Unfortunately after a successful configuration and several hours of building my name process terminate with an internal linker error.
I'm using currently still using the Microsoft MSVC 2003.NET compiler and there configure with the "-platform win32-msvc2003" switch.
Based on my documentation this should still be supported and I was wondering if others have been successful?Thank you for all your input