Display QObject class in MSVC debugger
I installed the latest Visual Studio Addin: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in
It automatically added some type on my autoexp.dat @QString=<d->data,su> size=<d->size,u>
QByteArray=<d->data,s> size=<d->size,u>
QPoint =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QPointF =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QRect =x1=<x1> y1=<y1> x2=<x2> y2=<y2>
QRectF =x=<xp> y=<yp> w=<w> h=<h>
QSize =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QSizeF =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QMap<> =size=<d->size>
QVector<> =size=<d->size>
QHash<> =size=<d->size>
QVarLengthArray<> =size=<s> data=<ptr>@ However I found this page from the addin source code: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/vstools/trees/master/tools/Qt4EEAddin
It add some types: @QUrl=$ADDIN(Qt4EEAddin.dll,_Qt4EEAddIn_QUrl@28)
QUrlInfo =$ADDIN(Qt4EEAddin.dll,_Qt4EEAddIn_QUrlInfo@28)
QDomNode =$ADDIN(Qt4EEAddin.dll,_Qt4EEAddIn_QDomNode@28)@Unfortunately this does not work. I don't know where to find this Qt4EEAddin.dll, it is not in the addin installer.
Is there any way to display QObject class (and info for other Qt types) within MSVC?Thanks a lot.
PS: I also found a bunch of webpages mentioning this code that does not work either: @QObject = class=<staticMetaObject.d.stringdata,s>@
Nobody knows?
Which version of visual studio are you using?
I have installed the latest version of vsaddin. However, I cannot confirm your entries
[quote author="neFAST" date="1309897324"]... on my autoexp.dat @QString=<d->data,su> size=<d->size,u>
QByteArray=<d->data,s> size=<d->size,u>
QPoint =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QPointF =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QRect =x1=<x1> y1=<y1> x2=<x2> y2=<y2>
QRectF =x=<xp> y=<yp> w=<w> h=<h>
QSize =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QSizeF =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QMap<> =size=<d->size>
QVector<> =size=<d->size>
QHash<> =size=<d->size>
QVarLengthArray<> =size=<s> data=<ptr>@
[/quote]The formatting is completely different but also the contents of the entries are longer.
I did not find Qt4EEAddin.dll on my system (win7 64 bit).However, I have the entry "QUrl" in my autoexp.dat. But as with the others, it looks different to what you are listing.
I use MSVC 2005. Can you post your autoexp.dat?
Did you follow this link: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/vstools/trees/master/tools/Qt4EEAddin -
That is a part of it:
;QT_DEBUG_START (Qt Visual Studio Add-in v1.1.9)
; Nokia Qt 4.x visualizers -----------------------------------------[ start ]--
; Feel free to modify these visualizers to suit yours needs! But please let us
; know about the changes you make, so we continuously improve the visualizers.QString{
preview ([$e.d->data,su])
stringview ([$e.d->data,sub])
d: $c.d,
[size]: $c.d->size,
[referenced]: $c.d->ref._q_value
preview ([$e.d->data,s])
stringview ([$e.d->data,sb])
d: $c.d,
[size]: $c.d->size,
[referenced]: $c.d->ref._q_value
#if ($e.d.stateFlags == 0) (
) #else (
#( $e.d->scheme, $e.d->host, $e.d->path )
scheme: $c.d->scheme,
host: $c.d->host,
path: $c.d->path,
username: $c.d->userName,
password: $c.d->password,
encodedOriginal: $c.d->encodedOriginal,
query: $c.d->query,
fragment: $c.d->fragment
@I was not completely right about my post. Further up I can find also part of what you have posted. However, since QString is not there it did show me only the other section.
;QT_DEBUG_START (Qt Visual Studio Add-in v1.1.9)QByteArray=<d->data,s> size=<d->size,u>
QPoint =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QPointF =x=<xp> y=<yp>
QRect =x1=<x1> y1=<y1> x2=<x2> y2=<y2>
QRectF =x=<xp> y=<yp> w=<w> h=<h>
QSize =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QSizeF =width=<wd> height=<ht>
QHash<> =size=<d->size>
QVarLengthArray<> =size=<s> data=<ptr>;QT_DEBUG_END
@I have simply installed vsaddin as to be dowloaded from devnet. So I did not follow gitoruos link.