qxmlstreamreader how to skip /end
I have a simple xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config_file> <config symbol="A"> <val_1>3200</val_1> <val_2>2000</val_2> <val_3>1000</val_3> </config> </config_file>
and a reader
void XmlReader::Read() { QFile xml_file(this->filename_); xml_file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); this->xml_.setDevice( &xml_file ); if ( xml_.readNextStartElement() && xml_.name() == "config_file") { while ( !xml_.atEnd() ) { std::string field = xml_.name().toString().toStdString(); xml_.readNext(); std::string value = xml_.text().toString().toStdString(); std::cout << " Next " << field << " " << value << std::endl; xml_.readNextStartElement(); } } }
The loop prints
File Found
Next config_fileNext config
Next val_1 3200
Next val_1Next val_2 2000
Next val_2Next val_3 1000
Next val_3Next config
Next config_file
So, it seem readNextStartElement() goes to the closing elements as well ( the </...> )
Is there a way to avoid that? Or is there something else I am doing wrong?
Hi @zicx,
So, it seem readNextStartElement() goes to the closing elements as well ( the </...> )
Correct. As per the docs for QXmlStreamReader::readNextStartElement:
Reads until the next start element within the current element.
(emphasis mine). And also:
The current element is the element matching the most recently parsed start element of which a matching end element has not yet been reached.
Is there a way to avoid that?
Depending on what you want, either check the result of readNextStartElement (returns a boolean). Or, use QXmlStreamReader::skipCurrentElement end of each loop, before calling readNextStartElement.
while (!xml_.atEnd() && !xml_.hasError()) { xml_.readNext(); if (xml_.isStartElement()) { if (xml_.name() == QStringLiteral("val_1")) { std::cout << "Val1 " << qPrintable(xml_.readElementText()) } if (xml_.name() == QStringLiteral("val_2")) { std::cout << "Val2 " << qPrintable(xml_.readElementText()) } if (xml_.name() == QStringLiteral("val_3")) { std::cout << "Val3 " << qPrintable(xml_.readElementText()) } }
"Reads until the next start element within the current element"
Oh, I misunderstood. I expected it to jump to the next startelement... so it first reads, then I move next, then it reads again and the output was blank because there was no next in that element anymore?
The readElementext is quite neat, I like that thanksOne more question out of curiosity. How do I read out
<config symbol="A">
the symbol code. I trued with readElementText, but that does not work