Connect between C++ and QML(Emit Signal from C++ to QML with parameters)
Hi all,
I am reading csv file and filling that data into list and map in the C++ class , i want to get to Qml for plotting data, how can it possible , please let me know.
@VRonin closed as duplicate of
Hi all,
I am reading csv file and filling that data into list and map in the C++ class , i want to get to Qml for plotting data, how can it possible , please let me know.I am filling list with struct and map with key as int and value as list of class
Qmap<int,Qlist<Class>>i want to get that list and map in the qml to plot charts.
For the start read this and thisEspecially this section will be of interest for you then.
Also if you want to access porperties in QML you should use types known to Qt's meta type system. Means registered QObjects with properties instead of your structs.
And btw: no need to post the same question on multiple forums.