Qt Creator 2.0.1 performance
Has anyone noticed this issue? I'm running Qt Creator 2.0.1 on Win xp
If I have large projects open (say 4.7 sources and throw in 4.6.3 sources), Creator seems to become very slow and sluggish, freezing for few seconds regularly when I try to do something. Is this a known issue or ... ?
When I close these large projects, creator starts to fly again !
As for me QtCreator is not good idea for such huge projects (projects with size twice bigger than Qt are really huge). I think that Creator is awesome for projects not bigger than 200k sloc.
And also another question. Are you sure you really need to open such projects fully, not only needed parts of it? Is it really not hard to navigate in such projects using Creator?
bq. Are you sure you really need to open such projects fully, not only needed parts of it? Is it really not hard to navigate in such projects using Creator?
I usually keep digging into Qt src code on how things are implemented, and would prefer the whole thing open. But yes it becomes damn slow! Maybe i'll try to load only those modules that i'm interested in. Ideal to have only Qt creator as my IDE, and hoping good performance with large projs in the upcoming releases :)
We are aware that the c++ engine has some limitations in Qt Creator 2.0.x: Parsing all the code, managing the data structures used to store all this data and extracting useful information from it is rather involved.
And of course all this data takes quite a bit of your RAM. Things get really slow when your box has to start swapping...
The good news is that Qt Creator from master is already a lot faster than those of the 2.0 series. So much faster that we could make the highlighting more accurate (which means many more lookups of types etc.) and still have creator feel faster.