How to pass the javascript var from qml to CPP?
I want to pass the results which stored in javascript var from the main.qml to the writeXML.cpp.
I can see the count, the searchitems are fetched and want to write in XML format.How can I achieve this.
Code snippet:
var varResultArray;
varResultArray = idPortalSearchItems.results[1];
How Can I pass it by Javascript var Ex:
objHomeController.eveWriteXMLFile(varResultArray ); //Passing an Js variablewriteXML.h
What will be the datatype of the argument of the method?
Q_INVOKABLE bool eveWriteXMLFile(??????? varResultArray ); //What will be the datatype?How to access the object varResultArray in cpp file?
Thanks In advance.
@Mathan-M said in How to pass the javascript var from qml to CPP?:
Q_INVOKABLE bool eveWriteXMLFile(??????? varResultArray ); //What will be the datatype?
An JS array from QML will be implicitly converted to a QVariantList.
Read this for more info about type conversion. -
I used the Qvariant, But still I cannot pass the value [JS array] from the qml.
Code Snippet:
in main.qml:
var varResultArray;
objHomeController.eveWriteXML(varResultowner);in homectrl.h:
Q_INVOKABLE bool eveWriteXML(QVariant pqvarPortalItemResult);in homectrl.cpp:
bool HomeController::eveWriteXML(QVariant pqvarPortalItemResult)
{QStringList strList = pqvarPortalItemResult.toStringList(); int intCount= strList .count(); //Count = 0
Am I doing the right thing?