Password validation using regExp
hy @ all
I'm trying to implement a password validation using regExps, but as you can guess, it's not working.The password must have the following properties:
8-16 digits long
must contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one digit.
here is my code:TextInput{ id: passwordInputBox; width: parent.width; echoMode: TextInput.Password; onTextChanged: { console.log(text) } validator: RexExpValidator { regExp: /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,16}$/ } }
now if I try to enter my password in the textInput, nothing happens. I can't write a single letter in it.
copy&paste of a correct password works, e g "aA139493a". but also just "aA1" works, despite the fact it's not 8 digits long. so after I copy three correct digits in my textInput, I am able to edit the rest of the password string up to 16 digits.
I can't explain this behavior, really need some help here.thanks for any help.
Such a complex restriction wont be achievable with a regex -
@dauuser Here is something that I use to do just that I watch the TextInput and when the textChanges I hit this slot. In turn this handles the length and all that but also gives back a value of 0 --100 as to how strong it is. Could use some work but it works. full source code below.
void PasswordStrength::handelUpdate(const QString upString) { if(upString.length() < 1 ){ emit error(NotEnoughtCharacters); return; } // Set this to your liking const double lengthFactor = m_reasonablePasswordLength / 8.0; int pwlength = (int) ( upString.length()/ lengthFactor); if (pwlength > 5) { pwlength = 5; } const QRegExp numRxp("[0-9]", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp); int numeric = (int) (upString.count(numRxp) / lengthFactor); if (numeric > 3) { numeric = 3; } const QRegExp symbRxp("\\W", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp); int numsymbols = (int) (upString.count(symbRxp) / lengthFactor); if (numsymbols > 3) { numsymbols = 3; } const QRegExp upperRxp("[A-Z]", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp); int upper = (int) (upString.count(upperRxp) / lengthFactor); if (upper > 3) { upper = 3; } int pwstrength=((pwlength*10)-20) + (numeric*10) + (numsymbols*15) + (upper*10); // qDebug() << pwstrength; if ( pwstrength == 0 ) { setPwdStrength(0); setStrenghtString(pwstrength); return; } if ( pwstrength > 100 ) { setPwdStrength(100); setStrenghtString(pwstrength); return; } if (pwstrength > 1 && pwstrength < 99){ setPwdStrength(pwstrength); setStrenghtString(pwstrength); } }
@JosephMills thank you for sharing your code, but I found a faster solution for my project:
I just created a js function in my TextInput, which changes for testing the color of my box. Works fine.
function validation(text){ var regExp = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,16}$/; if(regExp.test(text)) passwordInputBox.color = "#62aa46"; else passwordInputBox.color = "red"; } onTextChanged: { validation(text); }