Drawer doesnot open on phone's browser.
As the title says in the new theme the drawer(guess this is the relevant word) doesnot open. The immediate problem I see is the user will not be able to login unless the user decides to reply to some topic. Also to check the recent posts one has to type in the address/recent unless the path is already saved.
I checked on Android with chrome and the stock browser.
Here's a screenshot:Perhaps this is already known issue. Tried searching...
@SGaist No clues. On clicking the button nothing happens. No requests sent or no other activity detected in the console. I also tried trigerring a click event programmatically from the console. Same behavior. It just grays out.
I didnt had the latest Android version but I checked on Android 4.4.4 and Android 5.1.1 both with latest Chrome v53.
If possible someone else can check on latest Android? -
I can confirm it does on iOS's Safari. Thanks !