unable to build a example program (Echo Plugin Example ) in qt
am trying to build the (Echo Plugin Example) program in qt , but unable to build the file ,
i think there is problem with my pro file , but don't know how can i fix this .tools/echoplugin/echowindow/echointerface.h
tools/echoplugin/plugin/plugin.prothis example contains this files i created all .cpp and .h file in a required folder with the help of example
but confused to do qmake so did qmake at (tools/echoplugin ) this path , and a error is showing when i tries to build the file
1>plugin\echoplugin.h(15): error : Undefined interfaceplease help me to get out from this
i think there is a problem with qmake , i observed in example there are 3 .pro files
but am generating 1 .pro file at (tools/echoplugin ) this path(sorry for my english), any help is appreciated.
@Ratzz that file is looks like this when i qmake it
DEPENDPATH += . echowindow plugin
HEADERS += echowindow/echointerface.h
SOURCES += echowindow/echowindow.cpp echowindow/main.cpp plugin/echoplugin.cppbut actually in example file this is be like this
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = echowindow
pluginand i didn't have the remaining two . pro files how can i build this example file please help me
@Ratzz but where can i build that file ,
according to my understand ,we have to do two things to build the program
1, qmake -project ( to generate .pro file)
2,qmake -t vcapp ( to create a project on visual studio)now i need to know where i have to use this command qmake -t vcapp
@Ratzz yeah already there is a .pro file , bu my question is how can i combine all the 2 projects
am doing like this in echowindow folder am doing like this qmake -t vcapp
and in plugin folder qmake -t vclib
and in echoplugin folder qmake -t vcapp
after doing this now struck here , what can i do now