Make Install puts Files in wrong path
Hi there,
i compiled qt-4.7.3 on my own to add mysql support. (win 7/mingw) But i ran in a little trouble.
First i installed QtSDK on my Drive e:, after that i downloaded qt-everywhere-src and put it in d:\qtsrc, running configure and mingw32-make i noticed i dont have enough space on D: left. So i copied all the files to e:\qtsrc. Because i want to replace the qt version in the sdk i ran configure like that:configure -plugin-sql-mysql -shared -prefix e:\qtsdk\desktop\qt\4.7.3\mingw -nomake demos -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -no-qt3support -I D:\MySQL\include -L D:\MySQL\lib -l libmysql
waiting several hours Qt compiled nicely. After running QtCreator, it told me that Qt isnt installed proberly and i should run make install .... i did -> mingw32-make install
Now i got the problem that this puts all the files in d:\qtsrc .....
Question ... how can i tell "mingw32-make install" ... to put the files in the correct QtSDk dir .....
Thanks in advance
Nala -
AFAIK the configure script on Windows does not have the -prefix option. Please someone correct me if I am wrong.
When you moved the source directory, maybe some old configuration files stayed in place. Try to clean (distclean) the source directory and run the configure script again.
Question: Why do you need to overwrite the QtSDK libraries? You can configure Qt Creator to use your own Qt build (tools->options->qt4->add button)
hi Nala
I am not completely understanding your problem, but it may be similar to another.
You might want to have a look to that thread respectively to "this reply":
Hope that this gives you some hints.