Sorting in QTableWidget with multiple columns - issue
I am using qt5.
I have a qtablewidget with 2 columns.
Column 1 - is a Qcheckbox where the text is a number
Column 2 - is a regular QTableWidgetItemMy issue is sorting column 1 - not sure how to setup
this up. I am getting conflicting advice from deriving a class
from QTableWidget in order to control the sort -
but then I am not sure how to setup the sort for column 1. I need a little more guidance of how sorting works ...Or derive a class from QWidgetTableItem for
the operator<() - but then not I am now sure to know what
column I sorting.Any advice, guidance would be much appreciated.
Column 1 - is a Qcheckbox
How do you set it to be a checkbox? there is normally no need to insert a whole widget, you just need to call
tableWidgetItem->setFlags(tableWidgetItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
if you do that you just need to use the Qt::CheckStateRole as sort roleThe normal way to do this however is to split model and view (use QStandardItemModel + QTableView) and insert a QSortFilterProxyModel between the two to manage the sorting