QtChart vs QCustomplot
Hello guys,
being QtChart rather new i was wondering how it is compared to QCustomplot in terms of features.
I can't see a tracking line feature for example nor the possibility to code it yet (getNearestValue given a certain X,Y position is not available) without some troubles.Is this the solution for example?
QPointF QChart::mapToPosition(const QPointF &value, QAbstractSeries *series)
QPointF QChart::mapToValue(const QPointF &position, QAbstractSeries *series)
QtChart looks nicely though in terms of themes.
I can't see a tracking line feature
Could you please elaborate by what you mean by tracking line
getNearestValue given a certain X,Y position is not available
This is just pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance for each point and a call to std::min_element to find the nearest. It can be coded in 5 minutes
@VRonin I meant to have a vertical cursor which is draggable around, it allows you to evaluate the sample (or the y value if it is a continuous function).
Indeed you can code it but that was not the point, moreover if you factor in zoom and resize it could be a problem.
Is there an easy way to do it with current the QChart implementation?
You mean something like this: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtcharts-callout-example.html ?
@VRonin That's the example where i took the two functions mentioned in the first post, my question was if the library where ready to handle it.
Assume you draw a vertical line, can it be make draggable?.
If you have samples, can you make it stick to the sample upon mouse releasing for example?Can you suggest me a way to proceed?
You can use any of this signals to react to events on a series and do whatever