Wierd behavior with QSerialPort: readLine()
I hope i'm not making a fool of myself for asking a stupid Question.I'm using the QSerialPort in a Class to control a little robot via USB.
The communication between robot and PC is simple.
After receiving a command the robot, the robot executes the command.
After that the robot sends a line with some data
and an other line with an "OK" back.I wrote a little method which send a command and waits for an OK of the robot.
I Init the serial port withm_serial->setPortName("ttyUSB0"); if (!m_serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { cout << "ERROR: Could not open serial port." << endl; return 0; } m_serial->setBaudRate(m_serial->Baud115200); m_serial->setStopBits(m_serial->OneStop); m_serial->setFlowControl(m_serial->NoFlowControl); m_serial->setParity(m_serial->NoParity); m_serial->setDataBits(m_serial->Data8); m_serial->setReadBufferSize(0); m_serial->flush();
string executeAndWait()
{string answer; QString temp = QString::fromStdString("M10"); QByteArray command = temp.toLocal8Bit(); m_serial->write( command); m_serial->waitForReadyRead(100000000); data = m_serial->readAll(); if i use readLine or readAll doesnt change he result
string check = data.toStdString() ;
cout<<check<<endl;//check if end of answer reached, i knwo i know its not pretty...
while(check.find("OK") == string::npos){
data = m_serial->readAll();
check = data.toStdString() ;}
I'm getting the output :
M10 XY 300 380 0.00 0.00 A0 B0 H
0 S95 U15 D60and i'm expecting
M10 XY 300 380 0.00 0.00 A0 B0 H0 S95 U15 D60
OKi did some testing and found out, there is always a cut after 32 Characters.
I used other libraries for the communication before and had no issues what so ever.Im cluesless
Please helpPS:
If i haven't given you all the information you need please tell me -
The problem is here:
m_serial->waitForReadyRead(100000000); data = m_serial->readAll();
ready read is emitted when some data can be read but that does not imply that all data can be read.
see https://forum.qt.io/topic/70123/server-is-losing-bytes/3 , it's the same problem
Thank you for your answer, i tried to work with the Datastreams mentioned in the Example. It didn't work for me.
In the end i wrote a little method which works.while(data.size() == avaiableBytes)
{is pretty much all i do.
But I got one question left.Sometimes the '\n' is removed by readLine and sometimes it isnt. How does this happen.
Cheers for the help much appreciation