[Moved] Qt Creator saying no valid qt versions found please add a qt version when creating a new project
you have a Target called "Desktop" added. I don't know whey its not showing it here.
Did you try "Auto-detected" approach like the one I mentioned in my previous posts. Probably worth giving it a try.
2) Add qmake.exe dir to PATH variable.. if you qmake.exe is in c:\qt\bin, add c:\qt\bin to PATH variable. Now open Qt Creator, and Qt Creator should automatically detect your Qt. Check it from Tools > Options… > Qt4 >" -
Something like that ?
exactly ... does this work now.. you have "Qt in Path" in Version name and you should get this when you are creating a new project in Target selection page.
It does not work... I have no idea at all what can I do more.
Wired.. now its time some "TROLLS" come in and help us :).
Do you have a tool chain set up?
I do have something like that.
and btw: does it make a difference if I have VS 2010 and I have downloaded libraries for 2008 ?
Thats it: You have no tool chain set up for your Qt version:-( You need a Qt build with MSVC2010 if you want to use that tool chain.
ToDo: Improve the error message in the project setup wizard.
Thanks for diagnosing that but can you explain that a little bit more ?
Filed a bug to clarify the message in the target setup page: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-5248
You do not have a tool chain set up that Qt Creator can use to build stuff using the Qt version you have defined. It is not possible to mix a Qt build with MSVC2008 with binaries build with MSVC2010, so that is not offered.
Please either downgrade your compiler to MSVC2008 or set up a Qt version build with MSVC2010. I know this sucks, but there is little we can do about this (except to improve the error messages in Creator of course).
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1309275327"]or set up a Qt version build with MSVC2010.[/quote]
How can I do that ?
or can he get qt libraries built with minGW , download minGW tools , and then use it them in qt creator..
this way don't need to compile the sources??????One drawback is you can not use VisualStudio to develop / debug qt apps.
It's freaking impossible. I have just uninstalled msvc version and installed this one for mingw and... the same seg fault as I had in the beginning....
Sorry for bumping but :
no rescue for me ? -
So, you get a SIGSEV when running. That can have a lot of reason (in fact, it's the most common error you'll get). What program did you try to run? What you could also try is to "Clear System environment" in the Qt Creator project settings (to make sure you use the correct libs).
I just try to make an "empty" project (with wizard) and then while I build it I get this error. Talking about clearing system environment: how can I do it ?
If you go in "Projects" mode in Qt Creator and click on "Details" under "Build Environment", there's a checkbox. Also, It does not crash while you build, it crashes when you run it. (The "green arrow" builds and then runs your application). If that doesn't work, rebuild you application (you can do that in the "Build" menu) and see if there are any compile warnings.
Ok so I have cleared system environment and I have noticed one thing: it does not throw a seg fault while compiling but when running in debug mode. I can launch my app normally with "run" button (green arrow : ctrl + r) but I cannot do this with f5 (seg fault).
i have got something like this
So yiou want something else ? if so where can I find it ?