Which ranks badge is you favorite?
We have a couple of "ranks":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/ranks for the users on DevNet and each one is associated with a cool badge. I wonder which one do you like best?
Here is the collection:
The lab rat: !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge1_rat.png!
The ant (Ant Farmer): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge2_antfarmer.png!
The bug (Hobby Entomologist): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge3_hobbyentomologist.png!
The robot (Robot Herder): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge4_robotherder.png!
The dino (Dinosaur Breeder): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge5_dinosaurbreeder.png!
The helix (Gene Splicer): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge6_genesplicer.png!
The space ship (Area 51 Engineer): !http://developer.qt.nokia.com/uploads/image_upload/badge7_area51engineer.png!
I also like "this one":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/images/qtdn/badge8_madscientist.swf best (it just looks cool), but since it's not available in the poll I'll go with the helix ;).
All badges are really nice and it is difficult to choose. I voted for the dino. :)
I like the Mad Scientist one, from the provided options I have voted for helix
I like "the ant".. but ultimate thing would be "Mad Scientist"
I voted for spaceship. I like my current badge, but I have sticker with spaceship :)
[quote author="ZapB" date="1309166273"]<cough>t-shirt?</cough>[/quote]
<cough> "Got":http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16442531/qtpackage20110316-2.jpg one!</cough>
;-) -
The helix