Building QtWebKit for Qt 5.7 win32-msvc2015
@Konstantin-Tokarev I'm not using Qt 4 since Qt 5 was released.
@Peppy Ok, next try: you are building Source/ instead of top-level
@Konstantin-Tokarev I'm building it via command line. i.e.:
C:\Qt\5.7\...\bin\qmake.exe -r CONFIG+=release
the variables are set to
PATH=C:\icu\lib;C:\icu\include;C:\... SQLITE3SRCDIR=C:\Qt\5.7\...\Src\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
and by the way, that's not the whole output. It's much more longer, but I've truncated it.
Okay, few updates:
- Needed msys64, ruby and python, after installing msys64, install via
pacman -Sy python ruby
- QMAKE still can't find ICU even if I added them into path. (ping @Konstantin-Tokarev)
- Needed msys64, ruby and python, after installing msys64, install via
When building on Windows, you should add ICU paths to INCLUDE and LIBS environment variables.
BTW, it may make more sense for you to build new QtWebKit from (see for build instructions).
@Konstantin-Tokarev Why would I use that branch?
INCLUDEPATH and LIBS somehow does not work... I will try to tinker with it today again.
Because it is based on WebKit revision from 2016 (not from 2013, as in 5.7), and it has seen a lot of testing with MSVC 2015 (I'm not sure if 5.7 has all necessary patches, e.g. this may be needed:
@Konstantin-Tokarev what exactly do I have to link? How the LIBS variable should look like.
My bad, it's actually "LIB", not "LIBS". It should contain semicolon-separated list of directories where libraries can be searched