QDockWidget::geometry() ???
General and Desktop
I have a two dock widgets, which is docked and tabbed.
I need to get geometry each of them:typedef std::vector<QRect> v_QRect; v_QRect dockwnds; const QObjectList &lst = m_main_window->children(); std::for_each(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&dockwnds](const QObject *obj) { const QDockWidget *dw = qobject_cast<const QDockWidget*>(obj); if (nullptr != dw && dw->isVisible()) { dockwnds.push_back(dw->geometry()); } } );
The front dock widget has a normal geometry, but "hiden" dock widget has a negative X,Y position.
How to get a normal geometry in this case? -
What do you mean by Normal Geometry ?
Since the widget is not is not displayed it is not drawn on the screen. So it has default value x=0;y=0; This is the default value.