QListView item font StyleSheet not working.
Hi All,
When I try to change QListView item StyleSheet there is no effect for all font styling issue while background styling working just fine. When I set stylesheet to the whole QListView I can see the change properly
For example:QListView{background-color: black; color: white ;font-size: 16px; outline:none;font-weight:bold} // Working. QListView::item:selected{font:bold} // Not working! QListView::item:selected{background-color: rgb(14, 97,123)} // Working.
What an I doing wrong? please advice
IL -
since you only setting the font's weight tryfont-weight
seems like setting the font via stylesheet for the::item
subcotnrol isn't supported at all. Only setting the font on the item-widget itself, but then the font gets applied for all items.You may try to return a font in your model's data() method for the
role. This should work. -
Thanks for reply,
It is pity to hear that font stylesheet for ::item subcotnrol isn't supported.
Basicaly I need to change the selected font item into bold, font-weight also does'nt work.
Can you send me link to example with Qt::FontRole about this issue?Best regards,
IL -
@IL said:
Can you send me link to example with Qt::FontRole about this issue?
QVariant MyModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { QVariant v = ModelBaseClass::data(index,role); if( condition && role == Qt::FontRole ) { QFont font = v.value<QFont>(); font.setBold( true ); v = QVariant::fromValue<QFont>( font ); } return v; }
Or even easier using the QStyledItemDelegate-way (since you want it for selected items?):
void MyItemDelegate::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem * option, const QModelIndex & index) const { QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption(option, index); if( option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ) option->font.setBold( true ); }
Thanks bro,
very helpfull.