Falling Objects help
I have started with my game a sort of typing maniac like game. I am would like to ask some help with this.
In this game after clicking the button, there would be falling objects with in mine, a falling fire in the screen
but after doing some QMLing, nothing has appeared on the screen as I have intended.. Please help me outthis is the codes for the falling object
@Item {
id: blockImage { id: img anchors.fill: parent source: "K:/mukha/fire.png" } NumberAnimation on y { to: screen.height / 2 running: created onRunningChanged: { if (running) duration = (screen.height - img.y) * 10; else state = "OffScreen" } } states: State { name: "OffScreen" StateChangeScript { script: { img.created = false; img.destroy() } } }
@after that this is javascript code
@var first=1;
var last=0;
var total=20;
var timeSinceLast=0;
var speed=5;
var posInWindowfunction startNewGame(){
if(Math.random()<.1){last++; createBlock(); timeSinceLast=0; if(speed<100)speed+=.5 } } } timeSinceLast++;
function createBlock(){
if (component == null)
component = Qt.createComponent("Block.qml");if(component.status==Component.Ready){ var dynamicObject = component.createObject(background); if(dynamicObject == null){ console.log("error"); console.log(component.errorString()); return false; } // dynamicObject.type=Math.floor(Math.random()*3) dynamicObject.x= posInWindow.x; dynamicObject.y= posInWindow.y; }else{ console.log("error"); console.log(component.errorString()); return false; }
return true;
@and the code for the button in my main.qml
Button {
anchors { left: parent.left; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
text: "New Game"
onClicked: SameGame.startNewGame()
}@there are no errors shown in the application output panel so I'm kinda confuse.. please help