[SOLVED]what engine should i choose??
I have the same question in mind guys. I am starting on a game right now.. it would be like a sort of typing maniac game on mobile... it will be a 2d game..
the would-be flow of my game is that.. there will be falling balloon for example with a question on it.. then the user must key in the correct answer before it hits the ground
what opensource game engine could be useful for my game??
That should be quite simple to do with QML. In fact there was a similar game to this shown at QtCS last week. It uses QML3d and can be found on "gitorious":https://gitorious.org/spacetyper/.
The "engine" is just your C++ and/or javascript code that implements the game logic. QML/QtQuick provide you with nice facilities for doign things like animations. The logic is up to you to write.
For a simple game like this it should only be a few hundred lines.