How to make ListElement a button in Drawer ?
QML and Qt Quick
I want to add a button to my drawer ( that actually blends with my UI and looks good ) . I do have created a button for my drawer but it looks shit !!
I want that button to look like the other 2 ListElements ( Home and manage pages )
code snippet :
Drawer { id: drawer width: Math.min(window.width, window.height) / 3 * 2 height: window.height ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Rectangle { id: search_field width: drawer.width height: 50 TextField{ id: search_text placeholderText: " Search WikiToLearn" width: drawer.width onAccepted: { listView.currentIndex = -1 searchterm=text if(stackView.currentItem!==searchview) { stackView.push(searchview) webview.visible=true } else{webview.visible=true} drawer.close(); parsing(); } Image { id: search_button anchors.right: search_text.right anchors.verticalCenter: search_text.verticalCenter source: "qrc:/images/search.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: search_button onClicked: { searchterm=search_text.text if(stackView.currentItem!==searchview) { stackView.push(searchview) webview.visible=true } else{webview.visible=true} drawer.close(); listView.currentIndex = -1 parsing(); } } } } } Item{ visible: false Text{ visible: false id: responsetext text:"" } } Button{ width: drawer.width height: 40 text:"save offline" onClicked: { responsetext.text = dbman.add(current_title); drawer.close(); } } ListView { id: listView currentIndex: -1 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true delegate: ItemDelegate { width: parent.width text: model.title highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem onClicked: { if (listView.currentIndex != index) { listView.currentIndex = index titleLabel.text = model.title stackView.replace(model.source) } drawer.close() } } model: ListModel { ListElement { title: "Home"; source:""} ListElement { title: "Manage Pages"; source: "qrc:/pages/manage_pages.qml" } } ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { } onCurrentIndexChanged: { if(currentIndex===0)stackView.push(pane) } } } }
you should use a Flat Button to do this
here's an example how you can do this.
import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0 // Flat Button Button { id: button property alias textColor: buttonText.color focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth : 1 leftPadding: 6 rightPadding: 6 contentItem: Text { id: buttonText text: button.text opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3 color: Material.primaryColor horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter elide: Text.ElideRight font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase font.weight: Font.Medium } background: Rectangle { id: buttonBackground implicitHeight: 48 Layout.minimumWidth: 88 color: button.pressed ? buttonText.color : "transparent" radius: 2 opacity: button.pressed ? 0.12 : 1.0 } // background } // button
feel free to modify the Button to fit into your UI
in my blog series about Qt 5.7 QtQuickControls2 you'll find more infos: