How to separate a program in Model/View/Controller
I want to separete my program in 3 parts: model, view and controller
import QtQuick 1.0
Item {
width: 800 height: 480 property string ville: lineEdit.text XmlListModel { id: forecastModel source: ""+ville+"&hl=fr" query: "/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_information" XmlRole { name: "city"; query: "city/@data/string()" } } Rectangle { id: editRect x:10; y:10 width: 120 color: "black"; radius: 2; border.width: 3; border.color: "gray"; height: 30 TextInput { font.pixelSize: 20 anchors.centerIn: parent id: lineEdit text: ville smooth: false color: "#c8c8c8" "Nokia Large" focus: true Keys.onReturnPressed: ville = lineEdit.text } } ListView { x: 145; y: 325; width: 594; height: 48; model: forecastModel delegate: Text { "Univers LT Std"; color: "#c8c8c8"; width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: 30 text: city anchors.centerIn: parent.centerIn } }
Do you mean you want to have model, view, and delegate coming from different QML files.. can you clarify? Your question is not clear. As I see it, they are already separated.
You can put XmlListModel in separate file (let's call it MyModel.qml) and use MyModel from your qml code (if it will be in another directory you should import this path). Please read Qt Assistant to get further information
That you can always do that.. have three qml files and have your list view, delegate, and model in those files. But you need to connect them all the above qml file. I mean creating concrete objects of those three items and assigning your model element to Model and same for delegate.
But I don't see a good reason to separate them? do you have any reason.
"This": might help you
You should not use them by id, but create new objects from your qml files.
Read this "Managing Documents":
You don't give up :)
First read to solve your problem....
@ import QtQuick 1.0
XmlListModel {
id: forecastModel
source: ""
query: "/xml_api_reply/weather/forecast_information"
XmlRole { name: "city"; query: "city/@data/string()" }
@ import QtQuick 1.0Component {
Text {
id : textItem "Univers LT Std";
color: "#c8c8c8";
width: parent.width;
font.pixelSize: 30
text: city
anchors.centerIn: parent.centerIn
@ import QtQuick 1.0
ListView {
x: 145; y: 325; width: 594; height: 48;
@now in your main.qml
@ import QtQuick 1.0
Item { XmlModel { id: modelItem } ListItem { id: listItem model: modelItem deligate: TextDeligate { } }
There could be syntax errors, please correct them. Understand what I tried to do. Don't just copy :)