[Solved] Uninstall Nokia Qt Sdk from Ubuntu 10.04
today my nokia sdk update crashed during update and i need to reinstall it.
What is the official way to remove an installation on ubuntu, done via root to /opt/Nokia... ?
Running the installer again doesn't offer an uninstallation option. Is it enough just to remove the /opt/Nokia folder?
Thank you!
AFAIK it is enough to remove the directory if you used the default installer, as it puts all content there.
you can remove it like this, those developers should add this somewhere ! like next to the download text
linuxmint ~ # cd /opt
linuxmint opt # ls
linuxmint opt # sudo ./qtsdk-2010.04/bin/uninstall
linuxmint opt # -
thanks! I just need to reinstall it.
[quote author="coca-cola-planet" date="1284393552"]you can remove it like this, those developers should add this somewhere ! like next to the download text
linuxmint ~ # cd /opt
linuxmint opt # ls
linuxmint opt # sudo ./qtsdk-2010.04/bin/uninstall
linuxmint opt #