Qt 4.8 qml; javascript method does not work
Hi. I 'm trying to use javascript methods but many do not work and found me a list of methods that do work in qt 4.8. Probe with simple standard codes and so do not understand that failure
I 'm trying to create a function that returns a string trimmed
the chain is for example: "file///E:/texto.txt"
I want it to be: "E:/texto.txt"
the function to use is:
property string texto = "file///E:/texto.txt" function ubicacion(x) { var re = x; var ext = re.substring(7); return ext } ubicacion(texto)
this does not work. probe write a thousand different ways and with other similar methods. I also tried javascript basic methods but do not work .
use "substring", "substr", "slice", "length"
in the same code and use this code if it works:
function extension(x) { var re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/; var ext = re.exec(x)[1]; return ext }
and not know what else to try
He added : Accomplish make it work with a normal string . but when I use another string it does not work. try using " toString(x)" but gives nullo value
x = filePath
(filePath from Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 1.0) -
achieve make it work like this:
property string archivo: null function ubicacion(x) { archivo = x; return archivo.substr(8); }