C++: how to call QML ListView selected item object?
My QML file has a listview which use VisualItemModel to display each item (each item is a qml page). In my C++, how to get the selected object? In another word, how to get the selected item in C++?
My list model:
@VisualItemModel {
property int itemwidth: 0
property int itemheight: 0
page1 {
id: p1
width: itemwidth
height: itemheight
page2 {
id: 2
width: itemwidth
height: itemheight
page3 {
id: p3
width: itemwidth
height: itemheight
In the C++ code:@QObject rootObject = dynamic_cast<QObject>(viewer.rootObject());
QObject lv = rootObject->findChild<QObject>("objectMyListView");@
If I selected p1, then how to get p1 object? The page1 / page2 / page3 are 3 qml files in the same directory. -