Facebook login in Qt-Quick
Dear all
Someone knows how to use fb login in qt with all its functionality?
What I need, I am having a login page in QML with fb login too on the same.
If user signup and login with our application than will show table with content but if user choose fb login than than what should be redirect_Url to come on android app which is working on QTCP.....Please suggest me if knows.
Maybe this could help you:forum.qt.io/topic/65171/help-we-need-halp-with-fb-login-registration-in-mobile-app/
ok Let me try this..
Sorry but it's required Qt5.6 while I am deploying on Qt 5.3 to 5.6.
So I can not use V-Play engine, is there another way for doing the same either by Java, JavaScript or C++ class etc?
i think the FB WebSDK has references to the DOM (which isn't available in QML).
You may simply create your custom FB login flow with the REST API. This should work in QML, but it requires also some work from yourself.Or you do the login from the C++ side. There are some Qt FB login topics on the web already...
Let me do, do you have link for the same or snapshot of the same code?
I got right code in c++ which is working in condition.